Andromo App Maker for Android v1.4.0 – Now with Free AdMob Ads!

edited November 2011 in Announcements
Andromo version 1.4.0 has been released! 

Go to to sign up and create Android Apps for free...

The big thing we’ve added in this release, is that you can now start showing AdMob ads in your app – for free!

While you can still choose to have ads displayed using Andromo’s AdMob account (that’s awesome, as it helps support the development of Andromo so you can make cool Android Apps for free), you can now choose to use your own AdMob Publisher ID (free signup at and start making ad revenue on each app you create.

There’s no upgrade charge for this. We simply split the ad impressions 50/50 between your account and our account. Sound fair? It is! We want you to make cool Android apps, and it’s just sweeter if you can make some money for your effort as well. We supply the free and easy to use Android app creator, you supply the spark and everyone wins!

Of course, there is still a Gold Upgrade Package available ($99 introductory price during our Beta period – it’ll go up to $199 when we lift the Beta label), which gives you 100% of the AdMob ad impressions – or let’s you turn off the ads entirely. That’s the package to choose if you want to sell your app, or if you want to use it for business or promotional purposes and don’t want to see your competitors advertised in your app!

Lots of cool new things coming to Andromo App Maker for Android in the next few weeks… Like new community discussion forums, an Audio Player activity and some other fun goodies!

Please help spread the word. It’s a good time to be an Android developer. Thanks for joining us!

Note: To all the people who had purchased the ‘Silver Upgrade’ package, we’ve upgraded you for free to the ‘Gold’ package. Just rebuild your app and you’ll get 100% of the AdMob impressions. Thanks for supporting us from the start!



  • Are there be some offline options?

    The thing wtih andromo is that i uses internet alot, i really want something like an offline image veiwer not an flickr album

  • Interestingly enough, we're starting work on a Photo Flipbook activity this week. You'll be able to embed your photos into your app.
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