How to find package name and market address

edited January 2012 in General Discussion
I am trying to get admob setup on my apps.

When trying to get an admob publisher ID, I need the market:// address. I do now know where to find this. I also require the package name that I cannot find.

Where do I find these things? My apps are already downloaded.

Once I had entered the info into the app editor, do I need to rebuild and upload as a n update to the android market?



  • edited January 2012

    You can determine your package name using the name of your APK file. For example: If your APK is names something like:


    Then your package name will be something like: com.andromo.devYYY.appXXXX

    If you have the Android SDK installed you can get the package name using the following command:

    aapt dump badging <<path_to_apk>>

    For example:

    aapt dump badging ./Downloads/app_5288_2.apk

    The market URL is based upon your package name e.g.:


    One you have entered the App info in AdMob, you will get a Publisher ID, you will then have to add that to your Andromo project, rebuild, and then re-publish the resulting APK.


  • One other note about this:

    You do not need to enter the Android Market URL when getting your Admob Publisher ID. It is an optional field. You can ignore it and still get an ID.

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