The server could not process your apk. Try again.

edited December 2012 in General Discussion
everytime i try to update version and i comes up this error msg. i hv to keep upload only success. now it is my 1.4 version.

The server could not process your apk. Try again.

may i know what happen?


  • Hi,

    If the APK file works fine on your phone then it's probably a problem
    with either your browser, your connection of the Google Play store.

    I'm not sure what the exact problem here is so I would try building on again and then re-uploading your APK. If that fails then I would try another browser, and if that fails then I would contact the Google Play Store support.

  • This always happens when Google developers system is busy,  it took me 10 tries to get my latest app uploaded. Just keep trying, give it 10 mins and try again.
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