Andromo App Maker for Android v3.1.0 Released

Andromo App Maker for Android version v3.1.0 has been released.

Here is the list of changes in this version:

  • Added the ability to target the Amazon App Store when building your app. The setting can be accessed on the App Info tab. More information can be found in the Making Kindle Fire apps with Andromo knowledge base article.
  • Added a share item to the action bar of the Dashboard. This will
    allow your end users help promote your app by sharing a link to it.

    Your users can now help promote your app!

  • Made it so that the PDF activity can use apps other that Adobe Reader to open the PDF file.

    The updated PDF Activity let's the user choose which app they want to use

  • Improved the RSS Activity’s ability to extract thumbnails from the
    feed by parsing more XML tags as well at the feed item’s description if
    it contains HTML.
  • Disabled the “Set as wallpaper” on the Amazon Kindle Fire as it was not supported.

Andromo App Maker for Android v3.1.0 is now live at


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