App SIgning Error
hi i uploaded app with opting out app signing and uploaded to play store , but after review they show this message.
and start rollout to production button is disabled. they are saying to optimize app inorder to start production
pls help
********Error Message *******
start rollout to production button is disabled due to this warning
see images /
and start rollout to production button is disabled. they are saying to optimize app inorder to start production
pls help
********Error Message *******
Unoptimized APK
This APK results in unused code and resources being sent to users. Your app could be smaller if you used the Android App Bundle. By not optimizing your app for device configurations, your app is larger to download and install on users' devices than it needs to be. Larger apps see lower install success rates and take up storage on users' devices.
Use the Android App Bundle to automatically optimize for device configurations, or manage it yourself with multiple APKs.
start rollout to production button is disabled due to this warning
see images /
Please look at your support ticket, and give us an answer. We are trying to help you there.