Facebook SDK updated to 6.3.0

edited March 2021 in Announcements


Facebook Audience Network SDK has been updated to 6.3.0. You might want to rebuild and publish update of your Apps that use Facebook Ads.


  • After the updates ads are not showing

  • gangareboy

    According to a new Facebook policies ads will be shown on apps downloaded from Google Play only. Please, check it.

  • Okaay i will check it, Thank You.

  • I was wondering why I can't see test ads. I'll see if they pop up after publishing.

  • @ShaheerShahid after publishing they will show

  • Hi, i use ultra plan. facebook banner and interstitial show ads. but native dont show.

  • netfauzi

    Please, contact support

  • When will be released new Facebook audience network

  • Hi @RomanJuly, did we can use Facebook ads only? without mediation Admob or Mopub?

  • AndroidDeveloper

    Hi. Facebook announced that it wouldn't be possible starting from Sept 1 2021. Some devs say their FB ads are still running without mediation. So, we don't know for sure. Maybe someone can share his/her experience?

  • @RomanJuly Yes they some apps are still running without mediation and others are not. And the andromo developers have failed to solve the issue though facebook and admob still insist that your SDK still have a problem with bidding. and at this time I think no need to contact you guys again because we have done this several times. I even had to send screen shots from Androm mediation test but still facebook and admob says your SDK in not well integrated

  • RomanJuly True, as the colleague says, there are applications that are still being carried out without mediation and others with mediation. Surely both facebook and mopub are due to the number of applications that have to make the change and have backlog

  • Creativestudio.Ecm


    FB bidding is working almost 2 months already. Try it, if you haven't yet:



  • when are we getting update for facebook SDK 6.11

  • @application29

    I think you need to ask in their telegram group. They are not replying to comments in forums anymore

    Group link: https://t.me/andromoappmaker

  • Hello,

    There was a payment that was made without my permission, I stopped using andromo almost a year ago, I want a full refund and my account closed.

    I have contacted the support team they said that they will send my request to the financial team. But I have not received any answer from anyone.


  • During an open test of the application, 3 installation problems were encountered. The problem was detected on one device during the test. Tracing the function call sequence

    I am a new programmer


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