US tax return form Amazon- help please
HI all,
Yesterday I received tax return form from Amazon. IT is called Foregin Person's U.S. Source Income Subject to Withholding. Form 1042-s 2013.
Any of you know what is it? Is that only for info purposes or should I do something? There are 3 peaces of it. Copy B, C and D. There is also strange Gross income column stating 174.00 while I earn with Amazon about .... €5 !!!
Should I be worried?
Yesterday I received tax return form from Amazon. IT is called Foregin Person's U.S. Source Income Subject to Withholding. Form 1042-s 2013.
Any of you know what is it? Is that only for info purposes or should I do something? There are 3 peaces of it. Copy B, C and D. There is also strange Gross income column stating 174.00 while I earn with Amazon about .... €5 !!!
Should I be worried?
@sylviathewitch is our resident expert on these issues. Without her I'd still be trying to obtain that EIN. Sylvia, did you also receive this and if yes, would you care to share how you handled it? Thanks.
You would need to fill a 1040-NR tax form,-U.S.-Nonresident-Alien-Income-Tax-Return
attach the 1042-s (the tax form you got from amazon)
and mail it to
Internal Revenue Service
P.O. Box 1300
Charlotte, NC 28201-1300
You will get a check in a couple of weeks.
@f1_fan: the important part is "total withholding credit" and if that is only like $5, I would just forget it and sponsor Uncle Sam :-)
Thanks again, much appreciated.
@sylviathewitch: On this form it states that my gross income was 174 USD and the tax rate is 30%. However, my Earnings Before Tax were around 1.200,00 USD and the Tax Withheld was around 370 USD (based on Amazon's Payment Reports on their website).
So why would they put 174 USD as my Gross Income? And I'm eligible to get those 370 USD back? I would appreciate some help. Thanks!
I got 2 different 1042s from amazon.
One shows the correct amount and the other one shows $174.00 (same as yours, interesting, ...)
Not sure, what this $174.00 is all about, but I will leave this aside - especially since it does not show any "witholding credit" and only use the correct 1042s to file the return.
Edit: It just occurred to me! This $174.00 is for the Kindle they gave us!!!
Just ignore it and only use the other one!
I never received any other 1042s form. The "$174 USD" is the only one I got. Well, maybe next year.
Again, your help with these taxes is much appreciated.
here's my 1042-S form:
I received in total 9 documents like that. Some of them have 5% and some 30% tax rate, while some have none. The total amount of federal tax withheld is around 350 USD.
I'll fill out the 1040-NR form as @sylviathewitch suggest and let's see what happens. Anyone else in the same boat?