Please help!!! dialog box problem

Please help me!!!
I know there is a lot of features in professional subscription. But I have a problem with the about dialog box.

I am creating a complete white app for an organization, which with their specifications doesn't want their app linking up to any foreign site except their own website or their Google play store account.

So as a developer I started the project both on appyet & andromo to compare to know which one can do it best and finally andromo was simple.
So I choose to continue the project only at andromo and i have finish & now want to pay for full 1 year professional subscription to enable to submit the app to them in their full specs.

But there is only one big problem left.
The hyperlinks in the about dialog box. Can that be removed or customized to their own link.
Or can you completely disable the about dialog box in the app for me when I pay for the 1year full professional subscription?

Hope to hear from you soon.
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