AdMob disabled - other Ads possible?

I am puzzled, ... I created an application, 6 (six!) people have installed it on the first day and my last time I checked there were ZERO clicks and now the account is disabled.


Ok, what can we do next?

Since Google is happily displaying ads, even if I don't  have a chance to earn something, - I am sure these advertiser will be charged, .... I miss the word what kind of fraud that might be - I want to disable AdMob.

If I disable AdMob then I have no chance to earn anything with this application. Can I add another advertisement into the Andromo App?

The space is shared with Andromo now, ... does this now mean that each ad on the application is now Andromos?


  • It gets funnier, ....

    I finished my second application, now no AdMob key, ... you are welcome ;-)

    After uploading I thought, maybe I spend something to promote it and clicked to advertise it. You cannot do that, because your account is disabled!!

    No problem, create an ADVERTISER ONLY account, ... now Google only gets money from me!
    I cannot promote my application with this new Advertiser account, because it is made with the other Google account!!!! Now I have to wait, till Google Play gives me the link for the application on Google Play, ...

    I really hope that somebody will file a class action law suit against Google, ...

  • @elmit2015 You have to be sure not to break any of Google or AdMob's terms of service. If you do they will terminate their account.

  • Well, unfortunately you do not get any answer from them.
    Let's close that chapter, what can we do now? Is there any other way to monetize the work?
  • as of may 21 ad mob has officially intigrated with (into) ad sence. for the purpose of streemlining your google experience. all you have to do is create an ad sense account... agree to the new terms... and boom your golden... fyi... they (google) sent you an email regarding this. which altimately is why ther probably not wasting ther time responding to you... after all... if you dont know what is happening to ad mob. you probably are disregarding seemable junk mail that might have been important.
  • ultimately lol
  • there is a small problem, ... you may not apply for an adsense account anymore, if you have been kicked out.

    It would not bother me, since I have other monetizing games in place, however, you cannot sell an Android program anymore!!!!!!!!

    Because Google pay only to an Adsense account.

    That concludes, if you cannot display ads for Google, they sell still your Android programs, but there is no way that you get paid for.

    Nice feature, ... very streemlined into their pocket!!!!

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