Please Urgently Need Classical & Photo feed in RSS Component in V3 Builder

edited November 2021 in General Discussion

I have to update my apps. Today One of my main app got the Google Play policy violation. So now I have to fix that & update my app soon. But can not update my app because v3 builder does not support Classical & Photo feed option in Rss Feed.I already send more than 3 emails regarding this issue earlier. But Still not any proper solution for this .Even current V3 Builder RSS Feed also does not support open links (Click Behavior-Open Internal )External open is fine. But It is worthless for my app . Website component has the same problem. Linking contents are not opening in Internal. Please Can you Fix That issue as soon as possible.

V2 Builder RSS Feed- need this kind of classical & Photo feed Options

Please Consider this & Fix that issue. Thank you.

@RomanJuly @user_#358954

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