Andromo 3.0.8 Released
Andromo App Maker for Android version v3.0.8 has been released.
Here is the list of changes in this version:
- Added the MobPartner ad network providing CPA banner ads.
- Enabled AdMob Smart Banners that choose an appropriate banner size based on the size and orientation of the device.
- Made it so banner ads are fixed in place and do not disappear when a list is scrolled.
- Made it so banner ads no longer slide away after 30 seconds in landscape mode, except on Photo and Flickr activities.
- Fixed an issue with quotation marks (“) in activity descriptions/subtitles.
- Added support for developer?id= links in the Google Play activity
(including automatic translation to an Amazon Appstore search link on a
Kindle Fire).
Andromo App Maker for Android v3.0.8 is now live at