Today I cut ties with Mobpartner , and here is the reason's why
Today I cut ties with mobpartner , not for the reason's you might think. I have been using thier AD network for 5 weeks and noticed something very fishy. In the beginning Mobpartner would send me emails saying to pause a campain , usually I didnt get a chance till 2-3 days later to pause the campain's . If you dont pause a campain the AD will still sow on the device but you don't get paid per install because it's on pause. So the last 5-6 days I have been pausing campain's the moment I recieve a notice to pause them.
Guess what happen's? I get an email literally every 3-4 hours in a day pause this, pause that enable this, enable that. I really don't want to say this but a spade is a spade, Mobpartner is a scam. Yes they will pay you once you make $50 but by allowing AD's to show up after they tell you to "pause" campain leads to installs and free advertising. Plus no one has the ability to stay all day on thier computer pausing and unpausing, that's ridiculous. It's very fishy that now I have the time to pause and unpause , the frequency of email's has gone up 5X some days I recieve 15-20 emails. That's ridiculous!!
I am sorry but Mobpartner is not the move but at least I gave them the benefit of the doupt. I highly do not reccomend Mobpartner till they fix their act.
I think one of andromo staff should give mobpartner a test , like pause and unpause right at the moment the email is sent and see what happens. I don't want you to take my word for it, try it yourself. Once you see what I mean, then please remove it from andromo.
Guess what happen's? I get an email literally every 3-4 hours in a day pause this, pause that enable this, enable that. I really don't want to say this but a spade is a spade, Mobpartner is a scam. Yes they will pay you once you make $50 but by allowing AD's to show up after they tell you to "pause" campain leads to installs and free advertising. Plus no one has the ability to stay all day on thier computer pausing and unpausing, that's ridiculous. It's very fishy that now I have the time to pause and unpause , the frequency of email's has gone up 5X some days I recieve 15-20 emails. That's ridiculous!!
I am sorry but Mobpartner is not the move but at least I gave them the benefit of the doupt. I highly do not reccomend Mobpartner till they fix their act.
I think one of andromo staff should give mobpartner a test , like pause and unpause right at the moment the email is sent and see what happens. I don't want you to take my word for it, try it yourself. Once you see what I mean, then please remove it from andromo.
Hi pixelpower, you are dping a good job helping people or trying to help at least, I just wanted to tell you, that yes, maybe Mobpartner could be annoying with all the email, like pausing this or that, but at least iti is another form of monetizing, if someone likes it is ok, if another don´t well is also ok.
I just want to say that there are apps that in maybe less than a month they are paused but if you see there are some apps that are active efor a long time like, Hellfire or Candy Crush , that are good, so try them.
Well I wish you good luck, and keep posting.
Btw, are you having good experience with Tapgage?
If anyone has success with Tapgage, please let us know, how many installs do you need per day to make anything with them? I have two apps that are making (combined) 700+ installs per day, but I'm getting paid in cents.