Twitter account suspended?

edited September 2013 in General Discussion

It has been a while since I created my last app using the Twitter feature, and today when I logged into my Twitter developers account and clicked on MyApps, I received the following message "Your account is suspended and is not permitted to access this feature". All of my previously registered apps are now gone.

It seems though that I am able to create a new application if I wanted to (haven't tried yet though).

I'm just asking to see if anyone else is having this problem and whether it is Andromo related (i.e. Andromo apps violating their T&C's) or is it because of something else (e.g. I haven't loged into this Twitter account for more than a month).


  • @ghazaly Interesting I have not heard of this happening to anyone else before.My suggestion would be for you to contact Twitter's support staff and try to determine why this has happened.

    Were you using the same OAuth settings in multiple applications?
  • @mark No, I added a new Application in Twitter for each app that I have on Andromo.

    My guess would be that it is because I just used that account to create the OAuth settings for my apps and didn't really use it for anything else..... but just wanted to check if anyone else had the same problem.

  • edited September 2013
    If you have repeatedly tweeted a very similar tweet many times (may be to try and get attention to your app) - Your account will be suspended - You will soon receive an Email from Twitter whereby you will have to make a declaration that you will not infringe their rules.

    As soon as you oblige - your apps, followers etc will all reappear.
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