Pingjam has a new SDK but we are on the old one. (increases payout)

We want to pay you more!
Any app that is published with our new SDK before
October 15th will get:
* Everyone gets - $25 every month for every 1k actives
in the US:)
* Silver members - Get $40 every month for every 1k actives in
the US:)
* Gold members - Get $60 every month for every 1k actives in the
The good - You are getting much more money for every
active in the US:)
The bad - Payment terms are changing to net 15
The fine print -
- To qualify for the new
pricing your app needs to have our latest major release SDK (currently, at least
V'3.1.1). Older versions will be paid the regular rates ($5 US and Canada, $1
- To qualify for Silver status you need to have at least 4k
actives in the US and your apps need to have an aggregate retention rate of at
least 25% every month
- To qualify for Gold status you need to have at least
20k actives in the US and your apps need to have an aggregate retention rate of
at least 50% every month
- Status eligibility is calculated every month
The new payment will remain in effect forever for the apps that are published
before October 15th
One more thing - the new SDK allows you to customize
the caller ID. Now you can extend your app's experience into the caller ID
So update your apps with the new SDK and publish
your new apps and we'll pay you much more:)
Elnor Rozenrot
Co-Founder, CEO
So when will we be moving to the new sdk? October 15th is the deadline.