HTML (links, etc.) in Map Activitiy
I was wondering if its possible to put HTML links, etc. into the map Activity Location Details?
I would like to allow users to click on a website for link for the location and or possible a phone number and email address and have it launch the appropriate action (i.e. call the number in the link)
I would like to allow users to click on a website for link for the location and or possible a phone number and email address and have it launch the appropriate action (i.e. call the number in the link)
results with:
"The webpage at file:///android.asset/Map18955.......?
<a href="tel://1-555-555-555">+1-555-555-555</a>
results with:
Webpage not available
The webpage at te://1-555-555-5555 might be
temporarily down " message
I guess it might help if I look at the map activity (I have never used it) and see if there is anything I can do.
As shaney_g suggested, your example should work if you add "http://" to your web address reference, as it did in my test.
I am still having problems with getting the telephone link to work. Any clues would be appreciated.
No I wasn't able to get a telephone link working in that context.