HTML Tutorial 2: Add image onscreen and alert pop up's button to enhance user experience.

Hi Guys here is part 2 and today we will be covering how to add images and onscreen buttons. This is part 2 I suggest you read part 1 if your not familiar with HTML. First set up your HTML page like this


Ok now we are going to place an image on the screen.

<img src="supermario.png" height="50" width="50" >


<img src="Superdude.png" height="50" width="50" >--- img src=" " you place the name on the image in the "  " with file type meaning .png , .jpeg ,.gif etc. You can also set the height and width to the exact size that you want. Now we take on making the button.

alert("hey fellow developers welcome");
<img src="supermario.png" height="50" width="50" >


alert("hey fellow developers welcome");  ----- Alert is one of the main pop-up comands in javascript. Alert can be made to pop-up in the opening of a webpage or a click of a button. Its use is to make the user  more engaged or to give instruction to the user.  Place your text inbetween the ("   ") and end it with ;

If you have any questions on this tutorial please feel free to ask. Here is the demo of what it should look like with pop-up screen and image

Also ask shane for his solution to making app without Andromo Dashboard, make customize homescreens!!


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