Unoptimized APK #help

How to fix this ?


  • edited August 2019
    I got same problem with this. Please fix it.
  • It is because you haven’t completed all of the required steps.
    Kindly check the side menu, do you see any grey ticks?
    If so, you haven’t completed all of the required steps.
    Just finish other sections for the app: "Content Rating", "App Content" and "Pricing & distribution".
    Publishing function should be available after that.
  • edited September 2019
    @chatyara completely right. 
    The error "Unoptimized APK" is not resolved now, but we are working now on it. You must understand it's the only recommendation from Google and it's not critical.       
    You can accept this warning and roll-out your app with it.  
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