As you may know Admob recently started contacting its publishers to ask consent form European users. Admob already has a consent SDK :
Important: Google is planning to launch its full support of the IAB TCFv2 for GDPR on August 15, 2020. We are releasing the Funding Choices IAB solution early to ensure you have adequate time to set up and test your consent messages on your apps prior to this launch. Prior to August 15, publishers should not publish consent messages using the IAB framework to apps with live traffic.
Andromo has a launch notice feature but it's just that, whereas a consent form allows the users to opt out from the collection of data to server ads.
Here's an example from the Admob guides :
I think andromo should add it asap.
@EgorEgorov please check this
@EgorEgorov please check this
@EgorEgorov @RomanJuly @meold
any new updates regarding this.
Google keeps sending us notifications about adding it.
We are on it. There will be update soon
Thank you very much Roman
We are waiting for the good news soon ☺
@ADIL @AndroidDeveloper @fabiooo Hi.
GDPR already implemented.
Please specify Privacy Url in the AdMob section and rebuild the app.
Privacy Url in AdMob where do i find it?
thank you
Monetization tab -> AdMob -> Privacy url
@meold @EgorEgorov any sample of AdMob -> Privacy url.
i need to check i got this so i need to what should we have to do it.
@ADIL can you suggest me me what should we write in this privacy policy?
@devfreakapp privacy url in the AdMob section can be the same with privacy policy url in Google Play Market
@meold are you asking question or giving me answer?
as i ask to support same said but still confuse?
is i add to any specific detail in privacy policy for this.
i just did demo work and put privacy policy url in app but when i open app no change showing to me in app.
@devfreakapp You will see popup from AdMob (and privacy url will be inside this popup)
@meold when i will see popup?
also let me know may i put play privacy policy in it?
@devfreakapp yes, you can put play privacy policy.
You will see a popup after a click on some activity and go into it.
But keep in mind, it will be shown only for European Users.
@meold Thank You very much!! Yes this is why showing to me.
also let me know what should i add specific in privacy policy so it will be completely right.
also send me any screenshot of this how it will look to use so i will better understand this. as i am from not Europe so cant see this.
@devfreakapp privacy url can be the same as Google Play privacy url.
I send you screenshot via support.
@meold i am asking what point i have to add in this privacy url.
any specific point?
EU User Policy
For users from EU region, We personalise the content only with appropriate consent from user. The full control of the data will be in your hand and you can delete your data whenever you want. Personalisations include collection, sharing, and use of personal data for ads and other services in the app. If you choose non personalised experience We will use a unique identifier on your device to respect your data usage choice. You can change your choice anytime for the app in the app settings.
or this is enough?
if i add this point to my privacy policy and post this url in privacy. or make another url specific for EU User Policy
@devfreakapp this is enough.
Both variants are OK (same url or another specific url)
@meold Thank You very much for your amazing support. to be more clear i am sending u an email. so it will be final for me.
Thank you again.
We don't need Launch Notice with GDPR now?
Hello can anyone show how admob privacy police should be? is it really ok to use google play privacy police? thanks
cannot change your choice for the app at any time in the app settings.
once you have choose not personalized
cannot change again
you have to uninstall the app and install it
Thanks @meold for the quick updates
The one thing I want to ask your help, I want to transfer my project to another Andromo account, because my app was sold at Flippa, how to do that?
I have already contacted the support team, but not yet receive any reply
@AndroidDeveloper please mention me at support. I will try to help.
Tenemos que poner la URL de privacidad de Admob en las aplicaciones ya subidas o las que vamos a subir
@meold I have contacted the support and mentioned you, Thanks.
AdMob privacy url, i ask is the same as the url of the privacy policy of play console or is different ? is there someone how can send as url example. Thanks
@meold should we generate and activated the funding choices in Admob dashboard?
@DwellCorp i'm not sure. Please ask your AdMob manager about this.