(Update #2) New Andromo Builder coming later this year.



  • @YoungDeveloperGroup @KizeeTech fixed issue with packageName.

  • edited December 2020

    @RSD we work on some improvements with the hub. We will update soon and the button to get your own hub link will be in this update. (this link will be changed a little in this update)

  • When the new version is available

  • edited December 2020

    Dear Roman, Meold & Andromo Team,

    I've tested V3 builder since couple of days ago until today and i found 2 issues:

    1. On About Us section (which is automatically generated by andromo builder), Can you please add an option to disable link to the hub? I prefer to manually placing link to my play store (I put the URL of our developer page manually) instead of placing/showing hub, because i have 2 different developer accounts and each account has different name, and link, and the about us section is really not good for me. (So i will keep using V2 builder for now until new solution comes)
    2. The v3 Builder is not yet supporting non-Latin characters as app name (such as Arabic text), so if i put Arabic text as app name, then when i install it to the phone, it will shows app name as a strange characters (this is not happen in V2 builder)

    Thanks for your response

  • the new builder is not installing on my android phone, and it don't not upload in google console

  • KizeeTech

    Please send your detailed issue with a package name to the support.


  • I already send to a support I was chatting with

  • Please give the monetization feature for unity ads?

  • Does the ultra plan not include ios?

  • @RSD @YoungDeveloperGroup we fixed hub logic. Now you can configure the visibility of email/location/website in the hub (in account settings). Also, you can find your hub URL there.

  • please, applovin banner + interstial - can you do it?

  • @Benzipeleg We have asked devs at this forum regarding the necessity of other networks, besides Admob and FAN, in early July.

    Here is the result of the poll:



    Captured with Lightshot

    Only 18 devs replied...

    Thus, our tech team will concentrate on many other tasks (including IOS, e-commerce activities) which other thousands of devs are waiting for.

  • edited December 2020

    Dear andromo team @meold @RomanJuly

    What this latest update still error with BUILD ?

  • @meold @RomanJuly when the new version arrives for everyone

  • MasksDev

    Please, send your app package name to the support@andromo.com

  • when am i able to use it as a pro subscriber????

  • @user_#924515

    We... who have an ultra package still can not enjoy the greatness of V3. Please be patient. Although it is very exciting. The excitement is still not felt. BUILD issue is still pending.

    :) :) :)

  • Heli Andromo team @meold @RomanJuly

    in the latest update v3, i haven't found form link Privacy Policy. Is this really not in the last update?

  • Hi,

    I tried the new app builder and I found several issues.

    The first one is the almost all the apps fail to build. I tried many things and I am sure I didn't forget anything like (images, links, package name, app version, icon ) but nothing worked. Even the one that successfully builds it doesn't work on the phone or the emulator, it just crashes on startup.

    The second issue is the app size. I only uploaded like 6 audio tracks with 20MB and the app size doubled to be more than 45MB in size. You already know that Google only allows apps less than 100MB to be uploaded.

    I suggest you add something like .aab to help us with the app size problem.

  • Hi , i hope to add Unity ADS soon , because ADMOB limlit accounts without reason

  • edited January 2021

    I hope it ads Huawei Monetisation ADS Kit, timer to be able to set a time when a long music to stop and a favourite bookmark option.

  • Hi, how in pro plan can use builder v3.0 ?

  • @MasksDev please give an example of the link Privacy Policy in the old builder version.

  • edited January 2021

    When do I get the V3 install/upload issue resolve is over a week now, I already contacted support with the app package name.

  • Build failed

    Unfortunately, your app build  دون انترنت 1.0.0 has failed.

    The following information may help you identify the problem:

    Pre-compile step:
    TypeError Cannot destructure property 'drawerItems' of '(intermediate value)' as it is undefined.

    All of my build failed in V3

  • i think the V3 is still in the testing phase, hopefully all issue will be resolved, and we will get a functional version of the new builder.

  • Dear developers.

    We are working hard to make builder v3 better and want to give you some updates.

    Now we are working on:

     ⁃ Search inside the app

     ⁃ Validation in the web (to prevent multiple build errors)

     ⁃ Whatsapp stickers activity

    ⁃ Make .apk size smaller (~13MB)

    ⁃ Implement app bundles support

    ⁃ New version of Easy start for V3 with different templates

    ⁃ New version of Project Wizard

    ⁃ Firebase support for activities with content (photo, audio, pdfs, books). This feature allows you to update, for example, photos without re-building the app.

    ⁃ OneSignal push-notifications support

    - Deep-linking support (allows you to link another activity from CustomPage or HtmlArchive)

    - and many other small improvements in activities

    The release date is expected by the end of January - the first days of February.

  • Please release on Pro plan too. :(

  • @meold For what date will we have the new constructor

  • i have already 2 months trying to update my v2 with v3 app i build the app with v 3 with the same package name but the play don't allow me because my app version code is lover 

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