Does Andromo-Apps contain a advertising ID?

I wanted to upload an update in Google Play and received the information that I first have to declare if my APP contains an advertising ID

Android 13 (API level 33) introduces changes to the advertising ID

Does Andromo-Apps contain a advertising ID?

( my APPs contain basically no advertising, only in one is a link to a Facebook - page )



  • Me too... Please Andromo team, look into this..we all must fill this declaration of Advertising ID form in App Content tab in play console ...Please let us know is there andromo has done this permission in app manifest to target android 13...

    Hope Andromo Team will bring a good news to all of us

  • Please someone show up. Andromo don't leave us abandoned

  • Any updates on this one lads?

    Have any of you resolved the issue regarding the advertising ID?

    I'm also hoping someone from the support team shares an opinion...

  • I answered yes to the question and checked analytics as the reason... had no issue since—just my two cents.

  • Estou com problemas também. Alguém por gentileza responde @andromoappmaker

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