Admob ads suspended... Worth keeping at it?
A few days in to my first app I had the ads disabled on my app because of TOS violations. I still have the admob account and the app is still up but is it even worth maintaining if it can never house admob ads? The very nature of the app will not fit with the terms of admob so I would have to look at a new option like mobpartner. I hear they are pretty awful compared to admob though.
I'm just curious if I should just wipe the slate and start over with a new line of ideas or should I try a new ad network?
Also, I have a couple idea's that fall outside the scope of Andromo's capabilities, has anyone tried buzztouch? Is it comparable in terms of ease/function? What about App Inventor? I'm not looking to ditch andromo, but I am looking to expand my toolbox a bit.
Comments should include more advertiser like leadbolt etc.So we should have a banner advertiser.
I got following email from Mobpartner.
MobPartner regrets to inform you that your service "Candy Crush Saga Cheats" has been refused.
"Candy Crush Saga Cheats" was refused due to the
incompatibility with our advertiser's campaigns. Should this decision
change, we will inform you.
Common reasons for refusal:
- Your service is related to Social Media Traffic (Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, etc)
- Incompatibility with advertiser's expectations of application, traffic, etc
- Description of the submitted service is incorrect or incomplete
- Content of the submitted service is not allowed
- Access to verify the service is not available (Invalid URL, admin access, etc)
- Sites or applications under construction
- The applications or sites are registered by another person/company
- Illegal sites (Child pornography, Narcotic distribution, Firearm distribution, Prostitution, etc)
- Illegal download sites (Applications, Music, Videos, Movies, Mobile Content, etc)
So what to do next.