RSS feed items show up 2 or three times
My problem is that when I update the feed with a story and subsequently refresh the feed in the app, the new story shows up, but older stories are duplicated.To give an example of what I see:
Feed looks like this:
Story 3
Story 2
Story 1
Then I add a new story and refresh the feed in my app,
Now my feed looks like this:
Story 4
Story 3
Story 3
Story 2
Story 1
Story 2
Story 1
This is just an example, it isn't always the same order.
Any idea what's causing this and how it can be corrected?
I ran the feed through a W3c feed validator and it checks out fine.
Here's an example of an item in my feed file....
<title>Falcons wacht zware test</title>
Vandaag ...<snip>
<br /><br />
De wedstrijd begint om 14.00 uur op sportpark 't Cranevelt aan de Daam Fockemalaan 3 in Arnhem
<pubDate>Sun, 20 May 2012 08:45:00 +0200</pubDate>
If it's still not working, post the RSS link and I'll look at it on our end.
The first load is OK, but then when an article is added and the feed refreshes, the issue starts occurring.
the link to the feed is:
Perhaps try re-building your application on and then see if that helps fix the problem. As long as the dates of the old items remain constant nothing more should be loaded.