SlideMe market

edited June 2014 in General Discussion
I guess most of us know that SlideMe does not accept apps made with editors such as Andromo.
Thing is recently I found out SlideMe is a preinstalled market in many tablets and smartphones made from national and international "manufacturers".
What I mean is those companies who make large orders from Chinese producers and get a Chinese device made specifically for them, with their logo etc etc.
In my country theres more than 10 such brands and they sell really well .
Is there any chance Andromo staff can contact SlideMe and ask for our apps to be accepted? After all, these are way higher quality apps than the competitors'.
And, anyway, if SlideMe wants to have control over what apps are accepted, they can opt to check our apps and accept only those they approve.


  • SlideMe doesn't accept "on-line made" apps from anyone, not just Andromo, so if they would accept us, they would need to accept everyone else.

    I have one game there (for over a year now) and it is doing OK, but still far less downloads than on GP or Samsung. Nevertheless, if it would be possible to upload Andromo apps there, I would.
  • I know they don't accept from any online service.
    But if Andromo contacted them and asked for an evaluation of each app instead of a complete refusal to all, well, who knows?
  • It's worth a shot, I agree.
  • @anteos ; I can try to shoot them an email and see what they have to say about the subject.
  • @anteos The email has been sent. I will let you know when I hear back from them.
  • Thanks Mark!
  • @mark Have they replied on this matter?
  • @anteos Sorry about that they did respond but I was on holidays so I didn't update this thread. They said that they might consider allowing a small pool of Andromo apps into SlideME if we (Andromo) review them first and ensure that they meet their content guidelines: (pending final approval from their editors of course)

    Aside from that they said that currently they have no plans for changing their app submission process.
  • Seems kinda hard to do then and maybe not worth the hassle.
    Thanks Mark!
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