Andromo apps show on Google Play web store, but most of them are not on a device



  • at this point im still relaxed as ive hit my steady income goal for half of the day.. @bappa86. you use admob and FAN right? i assume its doing well for you?

    i tried using it both but on my 2days  i got terrible results from admob so i stopped it
  • @megajmarketing , I only use admob , but experimented with FAN (without admob, 100% FAN)  few weeks ago for 4-5 days. FAN was great with extremely high RPM sometimes it goes above 5$ but after considering filling % and ads request its almost same as Admob as far total revenue concerned. But I can't draw a conclusion as I had used only for few days. But I am happy , that's there is a fare competitor of Google , and we as a publisher have the choice to use any other ads which can give us same revenue (I know 2 big publisher from India , they earn much higher from FAN than Admob ).  

    I stopped FAN because it caused a blank white page appearing after few activities every times. Though recently andromo rectified this, I noticed. 

    If you want to know how it performs in my 10 hours experiment  - worst. (RPM always very low for every ad network in midnight,  I published the app with FAN at 2AM, and republish around 11am with admob)
  • Things are getting back to normal, thankfully.

    @bappa86: We're planning to try FAN via mediation in our custom app, but just can't get to it!
  • @hendrixs u think mediating admob and fan works fine? ive tried it for couple of days but didnt get nice results so i abandon FAN and only focused on ADMOB which is already working well for me.. any thoughts?
  • I've no idea, @megajmarketing. There was an interesting AdMob presentation a week or two ago (AdMob Mediation Masterclass) and it does look like a very interesting feature.

    If you use multiple ad networks, you can always "ride the crest" of the eCPM wave. Here's a picture for a better explanation:

    However, most ad networks have Net 60 payments (for example, in July you get paid for earnings made in May) and if they don't have any breaches in the EU, there are tax issues I don't want to deal with.
  • edited July 2016
    Guys, i was naive to think I was not affected. Just received my Appannie newsletter and 29 and 30 June I got zero downloads.
    Thing is, can you please confirm, if you got appannie account, how are things going for July 2 and July 3? I am asking because in July 1 seems the problem got rectified and I see some downloads, but 2 and 3 all are zeroes again.
    Are we sure the problem is fixed?

    EDIT: Even account with no andromo apps shows zero for 29, 30, 2,3!  What the hell is going on?
  • edited July 2016
    App Annie can sometimes get it wrong - at least when it comes to ranking positions and Google Play features (but this is quite rare).

    I don't monitor app DL's in App Annie, but Analytics numbers went in a free fall. In 2-3 days, the number of new users fell by almost 60%.

    At the same time, my chart rankings were also falling like crazy (I was losing 100, 200, 300+ positions in a day). Things are slowly getting back to normal (in terms of getting new users + chart rankings), but I'm not there yet. My earnings are still much lower - in fact, I'm more or less stuck at the level when this mess has started.
  • @hendrixs Thanks for letting me know. Let's just hope it is a reporting problem only.
  • @hendrixs Sorry I can't help you how to implement FAN in custom apps. But I think you can use any adserver like Mopub and mediate FAN and admob. (Have no experience). If andromo ad any adserver in their list , it will be extremely helpful. 

    @anteos I use appannie free account for keyword ranking, but as per google playstore statistic, google analytics, google admob impression -  my app is catching up once again as before  But google playstore statistics very slowly updating. 
  • @bappa86
    I had freaked out because I have one appannie for each GP account - and 3 of them show zero downloads for 29,30,2 and 3. I dont use Analytics anymore, but admob impressions have not dropped, they actually rose a little bit (but ecpm dropped). I hope there is no actual problem
  • @anteos - My admob impression gone up and also Google analytics showing higher new user acquisitions than before.

    Don't trust Appanie.. they are not right always.. as far I can remember Google playstore statistic stucked for 3 days during that period. 
  • @bappa86 Thanks for the info!
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