Admob App ID: should I add it in Monetization tab?

Hey guys,

My apps are now in more than 1 Google Play accounts and their ads spread between 2 Admob accounts.
What does the App ID offer to me, and is there any risk for linking my accounts if I add it?

Am I missing much if I don't?


  • The AppID is just used to initialize AdMob once at the start of the app. If included it is supposed to decrease ad load time of the first ad. If not provided, AdMob's initialization will take place when loading the first ad. Whether or not there's actually any visible difference is hard to say. It's part of AdMob's recommended integration instructions, so it was added to Andromo. Ad Unit IDs should always be created under the app that their actually used in, so I don't see how including the App ID would effect anything.
  • Thanks Darryl for your detailed explanation!
  • hi, would you kind enough to tell me how to make the photo be enlargeable after it is inserted in the photo gallery?
  • it is only as large as the max size indicates when you upload, so if you uploaded it small, it will remain small.  In that regard, you may have to rebuild your app with a new sized picture replacing the old one.  
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