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  • You need to go to Build and at the bottom of the tab you will see "Google Bundle". You click that and the "build an app" and wait for the email. Cheers. http://prntscr.com/1x6sgha
  • Yup. I came here to see if others have the same problem.
  • You might have to delete the version you uploaded on the play store (that doesn't work) and upload again the new version. In the old play store, there was an option to delete the previously uploaded apk. I haven't tried uploading App bundle version …
  • What do you mean "generate"? You can use youtube videos in your apps BUT you can't monetize them. You can't show ads on those yt activities.
  • You can try to use the Media activity called - Audio Player Online and see if that works. http://prntscr.com/12t3act Make sure you have a valid url.
  • Yup, something like that happened to me too. Do NOT copy content from the web or other apps because they might come with unwanted script or code.
  • Create a new project. Go to the dashboard and pick a template. Go to activities tap - add an activity -  select photo gallery activity. Upload the images. Once you are done adding content go to the Build tab and click - Build my app. Upload it to cl…
  • Yeah, I am curious about that too. This might give apps more flexibility when it comes to the content we use.
  • You probably uploaded an apk but didn't launch it and now you uploaded a new apk (if i understand this correctly). You might have to delete the previous version (which you didn't launch) from the library before you can launch this one. Just my 2 cen…