Need Tips for creating apps safe for my Google play account
I as an android developer recently lost my google
developer account and cause basically is I was building Song apps with
you tube RSS feed
I just want your opinion before I upgrade mydeveloper account and cause basically is I was building Song apps with
you tube RSS feed
Andromo account that how I will select any App that will remain 100%
safe for Google Play

I have done artists songs and YouTube so far I have issues.
I been with Andromo over a year.
Andromo is good
Anyway, there are many other thing you can do with Andromo, which are not related to popular movies/artists/games. About a year or two ago, this was still possible (a guy I know was making 6.000 USD per month with simple cartoons apps), but Google started to get aggressive on this type of apps.
Wallpapers are cool as far as I know. Just try to buy the images (royalty free), or get a persmission or something. One big dev got suspended for making "game tutorial" apps, but when he was able to prove, that he has all the rights or permissions to do it, his account was restored.
Play it safe and good luck.
However if you have evidence to suggest otherwise, we'd certainly like to know further details.
And ofcourse, you wont publish same apps as was before, you would have to rebuild it on new package name and of course you do not have to use another app maker tool, because Andromo is a public tool and their key cannot be blacklisted by Play Store also cos many developers are using it. but you have to build your apps from scratch again, maybe change your account name in "About US" in app. and if you must build same app, try to make it look different this time, different icons, images etc . buttom line is BE a completely different person