Who owns my app?

So I have never built an app, but I have several very good ideas for apps. I want/need to own my apps though! if I make an app and it makes millions (not saying I could, but still), do I own that app or does Andromo own it and I owe them or they could take the app from me?(Not saying they would! but I have to be sure first!) Any insight would be helpful! Thank you! 


  • Hi Ryan,

    While we own the underlying 'code' to the app, you own the content and 'expression' of your app. So, there's definitely nothing to worry about there. When we build your app for you, we grant you a license to distribute the app - so long as you comply with our terms of use of course (we don't allow you to make apps with illegal content, hate, pornography etc) - but that's just standard protection for everyone.

    Good luck with those apps - and be sure to post back here about them so everyone can check them out!

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