Google Play Account Terminated - What Happens to AdMob Earnings?
Hi everyone,
my account has been terminated, and i dont want to cry about it anymore. im making good money since i started few months ago. i had 3 suspensions and that was it.
my question is, what will happen to my admob earnings?
also can i make a new account but with my wifes details? her name, whole new address, new ip address to sign up, different package name ( thanks to andromo, im pro subs btw

im being optimistic here. as ive already tasted a bit of success, and next time around, i wont be making the same mistakes again.
thanks for helping
Your admob is "kind of" safe. Ads IDs will soon start getting suspended. Soon might be anywhere from 1 day to 6 months. If you had many apps in the banned acct, all those IDs will be suspended. I had more than 50 apps ads IDs suspended and the admob survived and I still use it. Other than that, who knows what their limit is before they decide to ban your admob too.
Since ads get suspended, your apps installed on phones obviously dont show admob ads anymore. So zero revenue after all ids are gone.
Are you talking about a new Google Play account? You need "new everything"
New IP, possibly new MAC adress too.
New PC
New credit card, possibly under different name
New SIM Number for phone verification
Slightly changed address
Different name as account owner
I suggest an email that is not Gmail. So you can view your emails everywhere without worrying you might link the account together if you check emails from a device that had accessed the banned GP account email before.
New apps, dont even consider editing the ones that got banned or the ones that went down when the whole acct got banned.