Thanks Hendrixs... But if i use admob, airpush, startapps to monetize a single app then there is any problem with google policy or admob policy.... ???
@hendrixs As anteos said mediation not available in andromo..... so is i can use upto 3 or 4 ad network in andromo directly to monetize app and can publish in GP without any problem ?
I would actually like to add to the question. I understand Andromo does not mediate, as in does not display best value ads if you have multiple providers set up on one app (although mediated campaigns seem to work fine for some reason) but does Adromo just randomly choose between the ad networks, or is it smarter and in case one provider does not have an ad to display does it fill it with a different network's ad? If it is random, then what would be the point of settings multiple ad networks for one app other than to compare their performance?
I guess I'll answer this since no one else has. It's my understanding that Andromo rotates between the ads that you have set up, but if an ad request is not filled it automatically gets replaced with one from another company that you have set up.
I only use AdMob because it's the only one I've tried that actually pays anything for my particular apps in the USA (although I have yet to try Facebook - I'm actually working on getting that set up now), but I believe others use multiple ad companies because some work better in other countries where their apps are being used.
Thanks, @tholyoak , I am actually curious if Andromo really fills up with a replacement for an ad that doesn't end up showing up. Could anyone from Andromo confirm that?
That's a good alternative to mediation and if you use AdMob + FAN (with the "Show ads with the highest eCPM" setting), it definitely boosts your income.
hello @hendrixs i want to ask a question... from last some time i just using admob to monitize my apps but from last week i use FAN to monitize 2 apps.I use FAN banner or interstitial but my issue is still my both apps r in under review from last 6 days. Now what i have to do?
Check Admob knowledge base to see what it is and how it works. They have an extensive guide on this, it is where I found out too.
In fact, Google even encourages you to use multiple ad networks, when it comes to mediation (
I only use AdMob because it's the only one I've tried that actually pays anything for my particular apps in the USA (although I have yet to try Facebook - I'm actually working on getting that set up now), but I believe others use multiple ad companies because some work better in other countries where their apps are being used.
FB is making easy things hard. It should be enough when you add the package name but it is not enough anymore.
Thanks @anteos
My FAN apps are approved