ngage users with rewarded video and maximize the value of content |
AdMob rewarded video ads are ad formats that give users the choice to engage with an ad in exchange for an in-app reward. With rewarded video ads, you can reward users with in-app items for watching video ads. |
At GDC this week, we launched Google’s video advertising demand from AdWords, making it accessible to all AdMob developers. With AdMob rewarded video ads, you will now have access to Google demand, opening to a wider range of monetization opportunities. |
Why AdMob rewarded video?- [New] Access the scale of Google’s video demand: Now access the breadth and scale of Google’s video advertising demand from AdWords presence across over 40 countries to ensure geographically diverse demand
- Diversified demand with rewarded mediation: help ensure that there’s always an ad available to show, and that the ad shown is the most valuable to you
- User-friendly ad formats: Clear guidance to users at all touchpoints, including opt-out option for full user control over ad experience
- Great User Experiences: Provide users with highly engaged ads which render the best possible experience, for example, landscape and portrait video formats
 | User Features- Countdown timer
- Exit prompt warns of loss of reward
- Delayed install - brought to store on completed view
 | End Card (optional install)- User receives reward for view - no need to install
- Button turns green on video completion - brings direct to store
AdMob rewarded mediation supports integration with Cocos2d-x and Unitygame engines. |
Getting started with AdMob rewarded video ads is easy - start implementing now. |
In my custom apps, I didn't hide the activities - I just listed all of them and people could unlock them by watching a video. Nowadays, I use offerwalls from Fyber, because they pay much better than RWA's.
There's going to be a RWA Masterclass from AdMob at 4 PM today (London time). I'm going to record the webinar and watch it later, tho. They'll cover games mostly, but they have 1 utility app example prepared. I'll let you know if there will be anything interesting.
The problem, of course, is attracting an audience for a new game where the competition is fierce. It seems like everyone and their brother & sister is a game developer these days.
The RWA implementation was presented like this:
Article Pass: Buy for 5 USD
Hour Pass: Buy for 15 USD
Day Pass: Watch 30 second video
That's clever.
@darrly, @lorne, that's a good example for future if you'll consider adding RWA's.
I'm pretty sure that his games are hosted on a web server, where you can access them via any browser. With "Website" activity he links to his own URL. I remember trying this a few years ago and it was an OK solution - the only problem was if the controls were too close to the AdMob banners or if banners overlapped a portion of the game. In this case (if you're not the creator of the game) there was nothing you could do.
The problem with that is that the whole game requires an internet connection. Basically the Andromo app is just a client for opening up a game online, just like you'd do in a browser. My first game is over 30MB in size, and that is just a "demo" (for a free version). I was really hoping to make it all offline and I was really excited for the HTML archive activity. As a matter of fact, I still am. Just wish it did sound!
The only thing holding it back is no sound (well, in app purchases or incentivized videos would make it perfect but that's another level).
From what I checked, the others can only import games created with them. They're also an additional expense - they seem to be great for making platformers, shooters etc, but that comes with additional cost and added complexity, and is not what I was looking for. I only wish to wrap my html to an app.