Unfortunately, your Andromo build [Lagu Rhoma Irama 1.0] has failed for some reason.
Our team of Android scientists and tinkerers has already been deployed to look into the problem.
In the meantime, please try double checking your settings. Make sure your images are correct and any web links you have used are active and working. Then try building your project again.
Many common problems can be solved yourself with a little help from our Knowledge Base and Forums. Please check them out.
If you still have trouble, please open a support ticket and we'll help you out!
I make a payment for pro subscription since yesterday and all its has been saying is we processing your payment and have been deducted from my bank and my days for subscription is already reading pls what going on..
Our team of Android scientists and tinkerers has already been deployed to look into the problem.
In the meantime, please try double checking your settings. Make sure your images are correct and any web links you have used are active and working. Then try building your project again.
Many common problems can be solved yourself with a little help from our Knowledge Base and Forums. Please check them out.
If you still have trouble, please open a support ticket and we'll help you out!
Your good buddies @
What is the maximum size for the free application???
I make a payment for pro subscription since yesterday and all its has been saying is we processing your payment and have been deducted from my bank and my days for subscription is already reading pls what going on..