google termination of my accounts
Hi i've been using andromo in the last couple of months and i recently lost 4 of my gp accounts at once (i use a method to open as much gp accounts as i want) i know some of you will say duh you lost those accounts due to having multiple accounts, but strangely that aint the reason the werid thing is that i only lost the account that had andromo apps in them and i think that the reason why is that it might be the package name because it shows the dev serial number .(beacuase i'm using the basic subscription i'm not allowed to change the package name ) or maybe the andromo signing key
I have many accounts, have the standard subscription too, and even though I did have some apps suspended in the past for copyrighted images usage, the accounts are still alive.
Of course if my suspended apps reach 3, that account will be banned. That is not a problem of Andromo, it is a problem of what I choose to put in an app.
I'm sorry to hear about your problems but for everyone else, please learn from it. Read Google Play's developer policies and stick to them. It's really not hard and mostly common sense.