Andromo App Maker for Android v5.1.2 Released

Andromo App Maker for Android version 5.1.2 has been released.

Here is a list of changes in this version:

  • Added support for YouTube pagination to the YouTube activity. It is now possible to load more results beyond the initial 50 items (if available).
  • Made it so you can load more items in the YouTube activity by swiping up at the bottom of the list.
  • Fixed all item styles to work properly in RTL (right-to-left) locales.
  • Fixed how Contact activity is displayed in RTL.
  • Fixed how Podcast episode activity header is displayed in RTL.
  • Fixed newlines in activity descriptions so an ‘r’ isn’t inserted where you press ‘Enter’ in the description text.
  • Made the navigation drawer appear behind a translucent status bar for Android API 21 and above.

Andromo App Maker for Android v5.1.2 is now live at

andromo app maker for android
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