30% tax on app sales in Amazon's App Store
I just had my first payment issued by Amazon, and to my big surprise, they took away 30% for taxes. All I could find in regard to this is here: https://kdp.amazon.com/self-publishing/help?topicId=201274690
Technically, I could open a bank account in Austria. Would this then put me in the 10% tax category?
I just had my first payment issued by Amazon, and to my big surprise, they took away 30% for taxes. All I could find in regard to this is here: https://kdp.amazon.com/self-publishing/help?topicId=201274690
Technically, I could open a bank account in Austria. Would this then put me in the 10% tax category?
Where are you located at?
If you are a non US publisher, you only need to apply for an EIN with the IRS and submit it to amazon.
That way you get your full amount wired and you are resposible to file your taxes in your home country.
And no, if you get a bank account here or elsewhere, you still need a local business licence (proof of address, ID etc.) for the IRS in order to get the EIN.
And believe me, you dont want the business located in Austria with a 50% income tax-rate ....
I'm from Slovenia. How do I apply for EIN? Is this the site you have used: http://www.irs.gov/Businesses/Small-Businesses-&-Self-Employed/How-to-Apply-for-an-EIN
Thanks again, your answer was very helpful.
called +001 (267) 941-1099
and gave all the info they asked for (basically all the points you find in the ss4 form and some else about businuess licence, ID but cannot remember anymore what exactly).
After that I got the EIN number and submitted it to amazon.
Two weeks later I got the documentation with all details from the IRS by snail mail (to keep for records).
When submitting your details to amazon, be really careful, that you submit everything EXACTLY like you gave it to the IRS!
When I first submitted the EIN to amazon, they said "invalid" because I shortened my street address (from "Strasse" to "Str.")
Hope this helps :-)
Good Luck!
That saves the spelling hassle!!!
But you still need to call and stay on the phone while doing so (wasnt an option for me, since I only have one line that I share with the fax machine)
Thats the number you find here
and they say
"Note: International applicants must call (267) 941-1099 (Not a toll-free number)."
Simply files you taxes with this form
and mail it to the IRS.
I will probably do it, because I had the same problem with my first payment and the tax deduction was over $100.
I simply gave it a try and the lady over there was really nice (I think she is used talking to non US people) and patient.
I too had over $100 taken away. I really need to act fast so this doesn't repeat.
If you live near Vienna od Graz, I'm buying you a lunch.
You are very welcome anyways!
But since I submitted my EIN before I started with amazon ads, I cannot say for sure.
Wouldnt make sense, if they withhold tax only on sale-income and not on ad-income (income is income in the eyes of the IRS :-).
@hendrixs ; tell us how everything goes with you and the EIN, please.
@hendrixs have you started with the EIN process?
@hendrixs ok that´s fine, don´t worry, better times will come, you´ll see.
Cool. This is mandatory for non-US publishers, if you don't want Amazon (for example) to withhold 30% of your earnings for taxes.
Update: Online form is applicable for US residents only. This is nowhere stated on the site, but in a PDF document, I've just read. For online application you need a Social Security Number.
And yes, I found that online form too ... but unfortunately not good for us poor Europeans ;-)
But as I said earlier, it's really easy to apply for the number through phone.
This will be a lesson to me.