Paid access to content for Android and iOS apps available!

edited October 2021 in Announcements

Dear friends!

We continue to add new features to Andromo and want to announce a new cool moneymaking feature: Paid Access to content.

You can use it both for Android and iOS apps!


In-app payments for Android -

In-app payments for iOS -

Feel free to share your experience and we wish you more earnings with this feature!

Also, keep in mind that this is beta and conditions for using might be

Your, Andromo


  • @RomanJuly Thanks Andromo Team for adding this feature. I appreciate this feature a lot. However Please consider adding this In-App Purchase feature to activities like Custom Page Activity, RSS Feed, E-Book Activity, PDF Activity and Podcast Activity as well. Then we will be able to sell our own Premium eBooks, articles and tell our users to subscribe to our own podcast streams as well. Currently I only see this feature in Images and Audio Player activities. Hope you guys consider this suggestion.

  • AndroidKing

    Thank you for kind words.

    We will add this feature to other activities as well.

  • @RomanJuly the search feature is still not working. It's not good to have content apps without search. Users will complain and the app will barely be discoverable on the platforms. Adding in app purchases with no search is like a car without wheels.

  • Please try to add firebase cloud message or push notification service in Andromo.It is very useful service

  • @RomanJuly When will paid contents in other activities be enabled?

  • Defran

    Should be available in 1-2 weeks. Which exact activities?

  • @RomanJuly Website, e books, custom page and Html activities

  • edited November 2021

    please provide applovin ads in monetization section @RomanJuly

  • Could you please fix all the broken things before adding any more new ones? We're now to the point where V2 doesn't work anymore, but neither does V3. And your support people don't answer anybody.

  • @RomanJuly With regards to paid access to contents/subscription option, its been over 2 weeks now should we still be expecting the announcement?

  • Defran

    Paid access is available for ebook, custom page and youtube components

  • @RomanJuly Thanks a lot for the info, what about website any hope for that?

  • Defran

    Added to the roadmap

  • thanks for the new feature, can the andromo team make a feature to replace the admob ad code without having to update the application on the play console?

  • is there a YouTub video for these tutorials???

  • how to slove "To upload an Android App Bundle you must be enrolled"

    in Play App Signing.

  • plz answer it :: To upload an Android App Bundle you must be enrolled in Play App Signing.

    how to update my apps now

  • MahenderSeera

    Contact please

  • Hello,

    There was a payment that was made without my permission, I stopped using andromo almost a year ago, I want a full refund and my account closed.

    I have contacted the support team they said that they will send my request to the financial team. But I have not received any answer from anyone.


  • Hi @RomanJuly I tried setting up in_app purchase. When i uploaded it on google play console, i got this error message "We've detected this app uses an unsupported version of Play billing. Please upgrade to Billing Library version 4 or newer to publish this app. Learn More."

    Please i need help with this.

  • @Defran Me too.

    @RomanJuly please help us with this asap.

  • seems support is quite unresponsive here. I have had this account for a while and is considering this opportunity. Just a bit scared what would happen if i get stuck

    Consider that customers dont like waiting

    Andromo please do much better

    I can see some questions thats been asked months back not getting a response

    Everyone who has paid you money to use your solution deserves a response when things dont work as expected


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