Earn more with Tapgage or with Admob?
Well, i just changed one of my apps from Admob to Tapgage, but it doesn't seem that Tapgage is better.
From the last 2 days (Tapgage): 303 Impressions, $0.00 Revenue, 27 Clicks, $0,00 eCPM
From 2 days before (Admob): 1,231 Impressions, $3.48 Revenue, 1231 Requests, $2.83 eCPM
I don't get why Admob has more impressions, it should almost be the same.
AdMob has more impressions because AdMob uses banner ads, which are displayed on most Andromo activities. Tapgage ads however are interstitial ads, and they will only be shown after a certain time has elapsed. As controlled on the Monetization tab.
You can also include both AdMob and Tapgage in the same app if you want. Also remember that 2 days is not a lot of time.
But certainly, collect at least 7-10 days worth of data before changing your plans. Otherwise, you'll just be spinning your wheels...
I'm willing to wait 7-10 days but this doesn't look good. Is there some delay in earnings? Or do I really not earn anything?
I would run Admob and Tapgage together, because I personally rarely notice Admob ads anyway. Comparing the two directly isn't really fair in my opinion, but for what it's worth. Admob made $140 to $200 in 7 days on avg. Tapgage is $60+. 20 minute default timer. You can look at your Google Analytics data and see how long your average users are on your app. Mine are rarely using the app for more than 20 minutes, so most only see the 1st initial ad which might not get a click because they simply want to see my app first. I've done some advertising on Facebook which was an eye opener. The stats showed that very often a user would have to see the same ad 2-3 times before they would finally click on it. They're in your app for a reason, start to get bored and click their way out if the ad is appealing. I'll probably adjust the timer a tiny bit and see what happens.
anyone use airbop?
It's also important to remember that CPA ads tend to pay well when the user performs the action, e.g. installs the App.
But it's up to you, you can use either or both methods to monetize.
But you can enable Tapgage and AdMob without mediation so that shouldn't be a problem with this.