Airbop Push Notifications

edited May 2015 in General Discussion
I just started using airbop push notifications and seems pretty powerful. Would love to hear other's experience about how they use it and if they have any suggestions. I am trying to utilize it to increase user interactions.


  • This is an excellent idea for a discussion! We've seen a large increase in people using AirBop in the past 6 weeks with a big jump in paid subscriptions and hence number of devices being managed. Hopefully some of those people will jump in to share their experiences and why they've been having such success with adding AirBop to their Android apps...
  • I have tried airbop before, but I only used to send message, didn´t know how to make the push notification actually open the app or an activity in it.
  • I think it works amazing, the only thing I want is for the user to click on it and it makes the notification pop up for them to read.
  • edited May 2015
    If you have a quality app that people love to use, they won't mind the messages, and you'll be able to leverage your existing user base a lot more. For example, 9gag's app notifies you with a message from time to time, and in my case, I actually like the reminder to use the app, because I know, that I'll have a few good laughs. :)
  • I have been using it to send special offers. It is in a lesson free app I have and I offer those who are using it a good discount on other lesson apps I have. One thing I noticed is that when I send these put, I get a lot of users uninstalling the app. Perhaps it is the offer and I should just try a free extension of the lesson or a tip, etc

    Anyone have this experience?

    Also, the last time I sent one out I had at least a 1/3 failure result. What would make that number happen? I set it so the message isn't sent until the phone is active.
  • Thanks Everyone for chiming in. We have been using it solely to increase user involvement. It's still early on but we are seeing positive results. I agree with @hendrix, if you have quality apps and dont overdo with the notifications, I dont think the users will mind and will actually appreciate the reminder.

    Based on our analytics data, we are already seeing increased app usage and it's easy to see the spikes correlating with the times when notifications were sent. Will be glad to share more as we collect more data, if people are interested.
  • @sailorcull: It could be many reasons for people uninstalling the app. Maybe they don't need it anymore, they don't like the offer, they don't like apps with notifications, they "forgot" the app on their phone, etc. I think there's no way around this. It's a trade-off. You need to find out for yourself what's better in your case - if it's better to leave your users alone or push notifications to them from time to time.

    This was happening to me, too. But what I noticed is that apps with higher retention rate had less uninstalls after I sent a notification out.
  • Probably it was the offer(s). They need to know me and my product more. I am in the process of updating my apps with new/more features and will use it to let users know about the changes. Changes that benefit them. That is really a great value of this service. 

    The other is, since one can't acquire a new user's email address when an app is downloaded form Google Play, having the AirBop tool gives the developer (me, you) a means of contact we would not have unless they opted in via email from the app which I have had very few do. And actually you could offer a free something with a a notification by having a link to an email list optin for the offer..That's precious!
  • @sailorcull: That's something I plan to investigate in near future. I want to send users to my mobile optimized opt-in page and collect their email addresses, so I'll be able to do some email marketing.
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