Andromo App Maker v5.0.3 Now Available
Andromo App Maker for Android version 5.0.3 has been released.
Here is a list of changes in this version release:
- Added interactive screenshots for all Dashboard Item Styles. You’ll now see an example screenshot of what each dashboard item style looks like as you choose it in your project. Want to see them all at once? See our blog post: New Dashboard Styles in Andromo v5
- For those users who have been uploading invalid/corrupted PNG image files (just renaming a file .png does not make it a .png file folks!), we now detect that as it happens when uploading and building.
- Fixed bug with activity position not saving for Radio activities.
- Now enforcing SSL for the entire site.
- Resolved a build error that occurred when the Dashboard was turned off and you only had a single YouTube activity or a single Website activity with the “Open in External Browser” option checked. Activities without a “view” can not be either the first activity or the only activity in your app. This fixes that automatically now.
- Fixed a bug where the About dialog would crash on Samsung devices when the Target Market was set to ‘Samsung Apps’.
- Made it so the navigation drawer header image uses a 16:9 aspect ratio on any type of device.
- Made it so a text scrim is automatically applied to the navigation drawer header image to improve text contrast and legibility unless the title and subtitle are blank.
- Added a new Dashboard item style ‘Grid: square image + title. 3 columns auto-color’.
- Fixed the translations for the navigation drawer’s ‘Settings’ and ‘About’ items.
Andromo App Maker for Android v5.0.3 is now live at
And is it some news about the sub-dashboards?
Bye the way. It looks like that Google have updated Analytics and Firbase. I just can't find the App Analytics Code anymore. Could you take a look @colinadams and see if you have to update Andromo to work with the new version?
Is this feature still available in new release?