(Update #1) Advanced monetization launched



  • devfreakapp

    You have been answered at support

  • Greetings fellow developers,

    I just wanted to share with the group that last week I decided to upgrade my Andromo membership from the PRO Plan to the Ultra Plan. I was making decent money using the PRO plan but I wanted and needed to earn more. So I took a shot with the Ultra Plan and I immediately modified my the Interstitial ad frequency settings on my ten apps from 2 minutes to 1 minute. I also implemented a splash screen on some of the apps, not all of them. After rebuilding my apps and getting the new releases out to the Google Playstore I began to notice an increase in my ad revenue. It took a few days but I would say that my revenue has increased about 75% already. And I am not yet using the new builder which should increase my revenue even more.

    I was concerned about the commission that Andromo takes for impressions. But it is really not that much at all. They charge you a small fee for every one thousand impressions. After using the Ultra Plan for 6 days my commission to Andromo is less than $6.

    Anyway i just wanted to let anyone who was considering upgrading to the Ultra Plan to know that so far I think that it is definitely worth it.

  • edited December 2020

    @absordor LOL I can assure you that I am not here to promote Andromo. I was simply relating my story and being realistic. Do I like having to pay more for the Ultra Plan? NO. I would have prefered to have 1 min, 45 sec, and 30 sec Ad frequency and Splash Screen in my Pro Plan and keep the money in my pocket that it cost me to upgrade. But I needed to earn more and the Pro Plan wasn't cutting it for me. I needed to double my monthly income. I believe that if I continue to bang out a few more apps, and if I am able to increase my Ad frequency and also take advantage of the Native ads coming in the new Builder then I will be able to double my monthly income.

    Ultimately we each have to make up our minds for ourselves. But we also have to keep in mind that they are in charge and they call the shots and there is very little we can do about that.

  • @gppacana44 Let say Impressions budget = $-0.08 / $-0.08 Then i paid to andromo.

    How much i can get paid by Admob?

  • edited February 2021

     I immediately modified my the Interstitial ad frequency settings on my ten apps from 2 minutes to 1 minute. I also implemented a splash screen on some of the apps

    If I did that with my app that brings in the most money, I'd lose most of my users. I'm focused more on quality and keeping users happy long-term than constantly having to get new downloads.

    I know most of you are more into building a lot of apps and churning through users, but I want Andromo to know that not everyone here uses their platform that way. And I've been a customer for a very long time.

    I'm much more interested in being able to also make my apps work on iOS than annoying my users with more ads.

  • Hi @RomanJuly

    Facebook audience ads have problem on native ads. I contact support but no respon.

    problem is after i open app, app force closed. but if i not using native ads, app is working fine.

    please fix this problem.

    Thank you

  • please add unity ads

  • @RomanJuly

    Can we please have tutorials how FAN can be integrated with admob and mopub?

    There are already other threads in the Forum but we have not gotten a reply there.

    Thank you

  • AppsDevelopment

    How to Set up Admob/Facebook bidding:


    How to Set up Mopub/Facebook bidding:


  • Hello,

    There was a payment that was made without my permission, I stopped using andromo almost a year ago, I want a full refund and my account closed.

    I have contacted the support team they said that they will send my request to the financial team. But I have not received any answer from anyone.


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